Friday 30 November 2012

The film version of the Road trip

For the road trip I had taken with me also one of my film cameras, the Asahi Pentax. I was also equipped with 3 films, 1 a friend lend me few months before (expired) and 2 new ones.

In the beginning I was using only film, not my compact - and I was loving it! The feeling of it was just too awesome: making the necessary adjustments, the hearing of the mechanical shutter release, the feeling of taking real photos!

I finished the first film rather quickly, although I was not hasty while taking pictures.
Then I switched to the second one, where I did a grave mistake. I didn't put the film in properly and it was not grabbed tightly by the roller. At the time I didn't realize it at all: I thought I was taking pictures, but I wasn't using any film! In the end, after expecting that the film should be over, I tried to rewind it in order to take it out. 
As you can imagine, after that I just had a blank roll of film that I couldn't use. 

A greater problem than that was that shortly after crossing the Norwegian borders, my camera stopped working. I pressed the shutter release and sometimes it stuck, resulting to a not full exposure slide. To fix it I had to move to the next slide and press the shutter release again and hope that it will unstuck. Because sometimes it really persisted.

I don't know if this problem was created by the cold (ok, it was not below 5 degrees) or if it was a problem that existed before, that I didn't know about, because I hadn't used the camera before. Now it still does it, but I have noticed, only when I use it for continuous shots. 

As you might expect, the third film was not wasted, but didn't produce the results of the first one: there are important distortions to color and exposure. They do look a bit lomo-ish. :P

In any case, although the malfunction made me feel down to the point of not taking pictures at all, I enjoyed the good times as long as they lasted. :)

Let's see if I can fix the problem and take the camera to a next trip!!

:: MB by Joe ::

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